Saturday, March 12, 2011

I've been working on the Railroad

It's been a week since our first op session of 2011 and I've been working to fix some things that needed fixing. First many of you said you were directionally challenged on the VBR&S, so there are now North-South indicators all around the layout (and some East-West ones in a few locations that require those).
I've got to admit that even I've had trouble with directions on the layout and I know the area well and built the layout. Of course I am dyslexic, but this will help I think.

The other thing I've worked on this week is adjusting the Walthers streamline passenger car's diaphragms. After testing I found that while they are springy, they are not springy enough for some spots on the layout, so I fixed them. I'll be running all of the passenger trains around the entire layout before the next session to make sure I've got'em right.

I'm also continuing to re-enter all of the freight car data into the CarCards program so that I can eventually print new car cards and waybills and do switch lists on the computer.
Til next report,